Our Mission

L.A.M.A. was created to organize recreational activities for its members such as tours, picnics, camp outs and a host of other social activities that benefit the members.


Since its formation, the LAMA Brandon Chapter has been eager to improve the quality of life through a balance between motorcycle riding, fellowship and shared aims.


Our purpose is to protect and promote the interests of motorcyclists while serving the needs of its members. The Brandon Chapter exclusively provides a link for all nationalities and races to develop camaraderie and understanding among such persons through activities related to motorcycle riding. We are a society of people who like to expand their opportunities and enhance their quality of life.

LAMA Brandon Chapter is a resource where we are committed on funding in children’s organizations that rely strongly on volunteer efforts and where improving the welfare of youth will make a significant difference.

L.A.M.A. must provide safety education for the membership and the public at large through classes, instruction at chapter meetings, televised programs, videos, workshops, etc. that promote the safe and legal use of motorcycles.

L.A.M.A. International will act as the official International governing body for the sport of Motor-Tourism.

LAMA Brandon Chapter is a charitable, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization, that is dedicated to promoting empowerment of people, encouraging volunteerism and promoting and respecting cultural diversity.


A special thank you to our sponsors.
